Frequently Asked Questions

Will I qualify for private health insurance?

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You don’t have to be an olympic athlete by any means, but if you are in relatively good health then you should be a strong candidate.

Of course individual considerations will be made, but if you don’t have any major pre-existing conditions such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or diabetes then a private plan may be right for you!

Is private insurance expensive?

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It is much less expensive than you likely think! In our experience, we have helped some families save up to $1,000 per month!

Do I only have the "open enrollment" time period to be able to set up private insurance?

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For ACA/Obamacare and government plans, signing up during open enrollment is recommended, but many will qualify for special enrollment which can happen year-round. As for private insurance plans, these are available year-round.

What are the biggest differences between ACA/Obamacare, Employer plans, and Private insurance?

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ACA/Obamacare is major medical coverage that you cannot be denied for due to any pre-existing conditions. It is most affordable IF you get a government subsidy on the monthly premiums. If you aren't getting that discount, it is way more expensive than most plans out there.​

Employer plans are AMAZING for the employee themselves BUT the minute you add a family member (spouse or kids or both) on to the plan, that premium is going to skyrocket. This is because employers usually give benefits towards their employees but the family will be paying full price to be added on to the plan.

Private insurance is health-based so there is an application process because not everyone may qualify based on health. Because you're healthy, you're getting a preferred rate so it is cheaper than most plans with BETTER coverage.

Are these year long contracts? Can I cancel at any time?

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No required length of time — you have the plan because you need it. There are no contracts for any type of health insurance plan, besides employer coverage. You can cancel at anytime for both the public and private health insurance plans.

Will these plans cover me anywhere I go?

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YES! Nationwide coverage, on and off the job. They are PPO plans so you aren't limited to coverage in your zip code/county like many plans. Note that select PPO plans can travel outside of the country as well.

What are insurance prices based on?

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Public Marketplace (aka ACA/Obamacare plans) are based on income and age. Private plans are based on health. ​In most cases the only way to make coverage any cheaper is to remove benefits.

Are any tax benefits to private health insurance?

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Private plans are 100% tax deductible to businesses.

Do you have other insurance plans as well?

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We offer Medical/Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Supplemental, Critical Illness, Income Protection (aka Short term disability) and access to everything out there, so we are happy to guide you in the right direction if you are needing something specific!

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